When Malaysia won the Thomas Cup in 1992, the
whole nation celebrated as one. And for most of that decade, we did seem
to have reasons to We had a national car, a national goal in the form
of Wawasan 2020, and the future seemed as bright as KLCC lights.The
economist Hafiz Noor Shams belongs to that generation that sang the
Wawasan 2020 song in school assemblies. And he What has happened to us
since then?The End of the Nineteen-Nineties places the decade within the
context of our pre-colonial and post-colonial history, underscoring
that brief, bright spark of optimism in the Malaysian journey. It also
mourns the apparent collapse of the incipient Bangsa Malaysia ideal,
which has since given way to ethnocentric silos.In weaving together
personal, national and global events to contextualize and understand
tensions that exist within Malaysian society, he Do we still have a